Saturday, September 17, 2005

We've finished MGS4!

And to think, this morning none of you even knew about it. That's how god-damn cool we are.

Here are some screen shots we took whilst waiting for the dialogue to finish:

This bit involves hiding behind a wall and talking to the colonel for eight hours. We finished it in three.
Snake's a bit older in this one, but he can still recognise a Russian helicopter, especially since it was in all his previous games.

In the end it turned out it wasn't Snake; it was a clone of Snake's father's brother's AI form that was developed by four thousand year-old presidents on a Commodore 64 in the eighties.

Having completed the game we unlocked a tuxedo! Fucking brilliant, didn't expect that at all.

Next week: Resident Evil 5 completed and unlocked. A page of words about a game that involves shooting things that are already dead, and running from a secret underground lab that's been set to self destruct for no apparent reason.


Anonymous said...

I've just had a damn good laugh over the last month or so's output - keep it up, glassusssss and co.

Anonymous said...

my ex made me rewatch the end of that game 4 times. he cried all of them. some times it was a single manly tear and choked up throat, other times it was proper full on gut wrenching weeping. FOUR TIMES. then after we broke up he wrote this song called war hero which was based on that but was about me, and had a lot of synths in, and wrote all this angsty shit in the back of my sketchbook about it, including a picture of himself with an eyepatch giving a salute. I hate him.

Glass Museum said...

I'm not sure who I like more; You, or your ex.