Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Frag Dolls quiz of the week, ruined by UK:Resistance.

We were gonna do a Frag Dolls quiz, right, but then UK:Resistance did a Frag Dolls thing, and we're enough of a UK:Resistance rip-off as it is. So instead, we've got:

What's Peter Molyneux lying about now?

a.) The size of the Nintendo Revolution contoller.

b.) Subway's new foot-and-a-half steak and cheese and steak and meat sandwich.

c.) His penis.

Answer revealed: Soon.


Anonymous said...

Obviously its the controller...nintendo controllers suck major ass

Anonymous said...

more to the point, whats that other guy doing?

Glass Museum said...


Ian said...

The other guy is pushing cheese strings down his wee hole. It's a game dev thing.

Dogmonkey said...

You guys are great. Keep it up. Little euphemism for an erection there.