Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Happy New Year!

In case you hadn't noticed, it is now the middle of January, and we haven't written anything since Christmas. I would blame our new year's resolution ('let the site fall into a state of utter disrepair'), but in all honesty, I've been wanking myself into a coma over Kokoro from Dead or Alive 4, and as for Glass... well, the same kind of thing, but with Phoenix Wright.

We promise to do better in future, we really do. There'll be some new updates with "cool" new features and a "stylin'" interface. There may even be some badly-taken photos with very little sort-of funny things written about them, who knows?

For the time being, if you could kindly imagine a collection of funny words and images and LOL so much that people in the room say "What is that you're LOLing at?", and reply with "Why, 'tis MySpazz.com, funniest of the poorly-run game-based internet blogs", it would be greatly appreciated.

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