Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bourne Conspiracy: About as Exciting as a Wet Piss Sandwich

Excellent fight scene in which Bourne realistically fights several men one at a time while the others stand and watch. Listen out for the spack who gets halfway through shouting "He's getting away" before Bourne, who isn't getting away but standing directly in front of him, smacks him in the gob.

Other things to watch out for:

Bourne shooting a man who is already dead.

Bourne having a bit of a fit as he hides behind a corner.

Bourne brandishing a shotgun as he jumps through the glass windows of a speeding train - keeping in with the realism of the films.


1 comment:

fearless tall dude killer said...

In context, he's CLEARLY about to say "He's getting... ready to punch my jaw off". Which he then does.