Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hello? Hello? Are we dead yet mother?

Sadly not my beloved ones, at least I'm not anyway. No, I have been away you see, far away to a land where only the bravest of men have been. I'm talking about Tokyo.

Good eh? I know what you're all thinking, and I was thinking it to - but it won't fit and it'll only end up in tears.

Regardless, I'm sure you're all aware of the main reason for this year's Tokyo visit, and I can now proudly reveal what you've been waiting a whole year for;

Xbox 360 Lounge Update!

You may recall that a year ago our beloved cafe/overly expensive bar had been flattened into what could only be described as a "car park". It therefore gives me great pleasure to announce that there'll be no more car-ing on this park - BEHOLD:

"What is it?" you say? Well I don't really know. But just look at all the lovely cranes! It's like that scene from James Bond, when Bond is reaching for his watch because he thinks it's time for Doctor Who, but Blofeld thinks he's going to laser him, so he distracts Bond with one of those fold up paper fortune telling things, only for bond to open the flap and say "You will marry a man named Kieron Pinball".

More photos:

It's probably just going to be another cafe. They do that in Japan, pull down an entire building and then replace it with the exact same one. Sometimes they move the stairs or the toilets, but that's literally it.

Is that meant to say gay? Because Galy isn't really a word now is it? Is it?

Whatever it's going to be it will be filled with lashings of hot luxuary. You can read it better if you turn your monitor on its side. Unless of course you have a broken neck, and then it's probably fine.

That's all for this update folks, sorry we've been a bit rubbish lately, but Glass Museum doesn't love you. I love you though, so keep reading this, because if you stop my family will die.



Anonymous said...

Hooray for!

Anonymous said...

this update makes the last few months of checking for updates everyday completly justified.

Anonymous said...

It's basically like Johnny Apocalypse is telling us he loves us, and he wants to reward us for coming back every day.

It is like Johnny Apocalypse saying he loves me.

Anonymous said...

an update! i can die happy now :)

Anonymous said...

I know Mr Apocalypse in the real world... however I did not know he was in Japan! What a sneaky bugger! Request: An update on how Racist Japan is regarding white folk please!

Anonymous said...

Fuck me, you nearly made me fall off my chair in surprise! (OK, you didn't, but it sounds good).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Im so jealous.
I want to go to Japan =[[
Are you guys into manga and stuff also?
Or is it just abouh tha gaming?

Ian said...

Neither really, our expertise lies in burying women in baths of sand, although Glass still hasn't returned from his last attempt.

I'm worried.

Anonymous said...

Fuck, thats a bit sinister