Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Myspazz.com one year - one hundred posts anniversary!

That's right everyone, we're officially a few months over one year old! (because we forgot to say anything a few months back). Not only that, but this is the one hundredth article to date. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who have supported the mess that is "myspazz.com" and hope that you continue to make us feel better about ourselves by taking the time to visit occasionally.

Just for you, here are some exciting new screen shots of Desperate Housewives the game. The only thing we want in our stockings this Christmas.

Work in progress, narrative may differ from that shown.

We love you all!


Anonymous said...

one day I will be as excellent as you
its my dream

Anonymous said...

Draw more cocks on things.


Anonymous said...

And all the while, unbeknownst to our stars, Agent 47 was across the street, mercilessly executing another black, disabled, mentally challenged, poor, terminally ill OAP.

Ho ho ho! 47 is such a wiley one! Always up to mischief. Ahhh...good times....gooood times.

With Love! Gixxa X
(Ps. couldnt be arsed to sign in...UPDATE SOON!)