Saturday, July 29, 2006

More shite to look at

There really isn't much happening these days.

Mario Basketball and a voice activated cookery book are keeping up the DS sales, whilst Xbox 360 is relying solely on Bullet Witch to sell at least one more console in Japan.

With this in mind, the only interesting thing worth noting is that yesterday a Pikachu edition of Japan Rail's "SUICA" card went on sale. Here is a photograph of a sign telling us there are none left because lines of bastard Japanese children beat us to it:

Also, we saw this woman selling HD DVDs

We like to imagine the microphone is a penis/hose of cum.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to "touch and try" her! lol!!!!!

...Even if she can't spell 'festival.' tch.

PS: I want to know what the free gift they're offering is. Find out for me.

Anonymous said...

Hello! MySpazz is good fun to read.

That's all I have to say, really.

Anonymous said...

Update more damn you! I had to read all this backwards...Not literally i'm not that weird. reverse chronologically if you will...It was still very entertaining..
Good news though, even though I spent all my "revision" time on this I didn't fail my exams...
Much love x x x