Thursday, March 09, 2006

Final Fantasy XII Potion: REVIEWED

Because if we didn't, we'd still be sat around in our underwear watching all three series of Peep Show whilst eating sugar from the bag. Words follow...

There it is, a big white box. Maybe it's a new iPod. We need a new iPod, seeing as the last one drowned in our salty tears as we sat through the billionth U2-endorsed commercial. I bet Bono doesn't have any potions. Irish twat.

Once you're inside the box it all gets a bit Jean-Paul Gaultier. Pour Homme? Pour Hommosexual more like, HAHAHAHA! (This is as funny as this post is going to get)

In every box you'll also find a limited edition trading card. Here you can see what appears to be some kind of airship, cleverly designed to look like all the other airships from any Square Enix game ever. We'll probably sell this on eBay later and make a million pounds.

It's a shame really that once you take away the big white box, the big shiny trading card and the big plastic pointy cap thing, you're left with nothing but a victorian medicine bottle - the contents of which tastes like parma violets, the worst of the swizzle-based sweets. We can't help but feel that it's all an elaborately over-hyped waste of money, marketed to an easily-pleased group of boring cunts who spend their lives collecting shite and fantasizing over obnoxious spikey blonde American twats.

It did restore 100 HP though: 40/40

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I disagree with your bit about how it won't get any funnier than the Hommosexual joke. The last line was brilliant. And proves you got to the review before I did on the BoB (inevitable).
