Thursday, November 17, 2005

Microsoft: "We haven't really thought this through :'("

Hey, kids! Are you enticed by horribly square white things? Are you also a queer? Yeah? Then welcome to the Xbox 360 Cafe!

Ooh, look; Things we don't need but can spend our money on, because God help us should we ever purchase any actual software for the machine; we're not that desperate.

A really big ceiling mounted thing! This should distact our attention from the abysmal games and awful tasting coffee, at least until Dead or Alive Volleyball 2 comes out.

Why is no one playing Kameo? OH WAIT, I KNOW, IT'S BECAUSE IT'S UTTER SHIT. I'm off to the loo.

In case you were wondering, that isn't photoshopped. Someone actually designed it that way. Amazing. The notice on the toilet said something about updating to a 30GB hardrive to use the "big flush" mechanism.

This was the best part of the experience - washing the stench of pre-determined failure from our hands!

Outside, a lorry with 6 foot high images of Maria Sharapova made us smile; even UK:R don't have photos like this. And so we went home to think about Nintendo, and how we'll never stop loving them, even if they are also a little bit gay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is the best thing i've ever read. ever.